As we approach Christmas and near the end of 2018, we want to take some time to reflect on the year we’re leaving behind.

At our core, GIVING ranks as one of our highest values, and each year we proudly donate thousands of pairs of socks to various philanthropic organizations and to those in need. One of our favorite things to do at the end of a busy year is to look back at the numbers and see how many people were impacted as a result of our collective effort with our customers (YOU!). This year, we’re happy to announce that, with your help, we were able to donate over 11,000 pairs of socks to homeless shelters, active military members and their families, and underprivileged communities throughout the U.S.!

Whether it’s through FITS or on your own, never forget the power of generosity and giving. It’s important not just in this holiday season, but as a way of life.

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” - Winston Churchill

FITS® sock