Sock Height
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Light Runner - Low
$ 21.00
Light Grey
Light Grey
+ 1 more
366 reviews
Light Runner - No Show
$ 21.00
Light Runner - No Show
Light Grey
Light Runner - No Show
189 reviews
Ultra Light Runner - No Show
$ 19.00
Light Grey
Light Grey
Solid Black
Solid Black
230 reviews
Light Runner - No Show
$ 21.00
Light Grey
Light Grey
Lavender Herb
Light Runner - No Show
188 reviews
Electric Light Runner - Low
$ 21.00
Cashmere Rose
Cashmere Rose
Green Flash
Green Flash
Tiger Lilly
Tiger Lilly
+ 1 more
2 reviews
Electric Ultra Light Runner - No Show
$ 19.00
Tiger Lilly
Tiger Lilly
Green Flash
Green Flash
Cashmere Rose
Cashmere Rose
+ 1 more
8 reviews
Light Runner - Low
$ 21.00
Dark Forest
Dark Forest
Grape Jam
Grape Jam
Light Runner - Low
364 reviews
FITS Running Series comes in a variety of styles and weights. Whatever your pace, FITS will see you through to the finish.

FITS® men’s running socks come in a variety of styles and weights. Whatever your pace, FITS® will see you through to the finish. Whether you enjoy trail, road, or cross running, we strive to offer all runners the ultimate men’s wool running socks with superior fit and comfort.


Men’s Running Socks Built to Perform

Regardless of the length of your next run, the hardest distance to cover will be from the couch to the front door. Nevertheless, FITS® men’s wool running socks will help you run those miles while leaving your feet feeling like they stayed behind in the living room. How do we achieve this level of comfort? It all starts with superior materials.


Our men’s running socks are crafted with a custom blend of man-made fibers selected for the best breathability and fit. This allows for our socks to be the best fitting, best feeling running socks available. Super fine merino wool ensures our men’s wool running socks provide the comfort and durability needed when grinding away mile after mile. It is our Full Contact Fit® that keeps your men’s running socks from bunching, slipping, or rubbing, keeping you comfortable and allowing you to push yourself and perform your best without worrying about the performance of your socks.


Often, tired legs can plague even the best of runners. However, with our Smart Cushioning providing extra padding in the active zones of the toes, arch, and heels, tired feet won't be an issue. FITS® men’s running socks are designed for stay-dry breathability and performance while moisture-wicking materials keep your feet dry while on the run.


Treat Your Feet to Men’s Wool Running Socks 

There's no doubt that your feet will thank you after you treat them to a pair of men’s wool running socks. FITS® patented Full Contact Fit® conforms to the unique shape of your foot and offers unrivaled comfort and performance. We achieve the perfect balance of cushioning and breathability with our custom Omega Performance Yarn, our signature blend of high-quality, manufactured fibers.


Using 18.5 micron in most of the sock and 23.5 micron for durability in the heel and toe, we treat you to a better fit and higher level of comfort than standard socks could ever imagine offering runners. These men’s wool running socks are the most comfortable socks you’ll ever wear and are offered in many styles and colors.


For example, FITS® Micro Light men's quarter running socks are an excellent choice for all runners. They use micro light support and cushioning to create the Goldilocks of running socks–meaning they’re just right. With slightly more cushion in the toe and heel than our Ultra Light men’s running socks, the Micro Light men’s quarter running socks are still sleek enough to have your feet feeling footloose and fancy-free. FITS® also offers a wide selection of men’s running sock heights, ranging from men’s low height running socks to men’s quarter height running socks


For the days you don’t spend pounding the pavement, check out our vast collection of men’s casual and dress socks for every occasion.