Satisfaction Guaranteed. Always.
If you’re not satisfied with your FITS® socks FOR ANY REASON, we’re going to work to make it right.
There’s a form to fill out and a few hoops to jump through, but we keep it simple. Click here for the Warranty Replacement Form. If you prefer a less simple approach, please refer to the Sockholder Agreement below.
This agreement(henceforth referred to as the “Agreement” or "Sock Pact of Glory or “SPOG”) is entered into between FITS® Socks(henceforth referred to as “Best Sock Ever or “BSE”), and the Owner of a Pair of FITS® Socks, (hereinafter referred to as "The Sockholder" or “You”). WHEREAS, the Sockholder has purchased at least one pair of FITS® socks AND WHEREAS, these socks are expected to fulfill the Sockholder's wildest dreams of comfort and durability, aka., Satisfaction. NOW, THEREFORE, both parties agree to the following terms and conditions:a proud provider of Whole Foot Comfort a distinguished wearer of said foot coverings SECTION I: RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF THE SOCKHOLDER
- Right to Eternal Comfort (Clause 1.A)
The Sockholder shall have the inalienable right to blissful and Whole Foot Comfort, free from unmet expectations (henceforth known as “Sock Shenanigans”), for the entire natural life of the socks or until they mysteriously vanish in the dryer dimension (hereinafter referred to as “Drierd”). - Right to Sock Replacement (Clause 1.B)
Should the Sockholder experience Sock Shenanigans, BSE, in their benevolent mercy, may agree to replace said socks with a fresh pair of equal or superior glory. (Please note: "Equal or superior glory" is defined solely by the BSE’s discretion, which is absolutely infallible. (See Warranty Replacement Form)
- Proper Sock Care (Clause 2.A)
The Sockholder agrees to wash their socks occasionally, ideally before their smell develops sentience. However, the BSE acknowledge that life happens, and an unwashed sock may still be eligible for the guarantee (though we'd rather not see that). - Submission of Worn Socks (Clause 2.B)
To invoke the great powers of the FITS® Sock Pact of Glory (SPOG), the Sockholder must:
- Fill out the Official Sock Replacement Form of Justice (known boringly as the Warranty Replacement Form);
- Send the worn-out socks back to the F, cleaned and decontaminated, because even we have standards;
- Provide proof of purchase or other semi-legitimate documentation (such as a solemn oath sworn before a footwear altar).
- Absurdity of Legal Action (Clause 3.A)
Both parties hereby agree that no legal action shall be pursued in the event of sock-related grievances. Any and all disputes must be settled through an epic sock duel at dawn, whereby each participant will fling socks at each other until satisfaction is achieved. This occurs solely at discretion of certified FITS® Customer Service Agent. - Sock Mediation (Clause 3.B)
Should the Sockholder feel slighted or unresolved, they may invoke the Sock Mediation Clause, in which someone with our Customer Service depart will render a final and unassailable opinion on said matter. Although it should be stated, our purpose is to GUARANTEE YOUR SATISFACTION so this clause is unnecessary.
- Acts of God (or Squirrels) (Clause 4.A)
The Best Sock Ever (BSE) shall not be held liable for any damage caused to the socks by forces outside human control, including but not limited to:
- Wild animals that enjoy chewing on socks
- Fire, floods, or rampaging toddlers
- Sudden black holes appearing in the sock due to rips in the fabric of space time as a result of the washing machine or drier dimension.
- In such cases, the Sockholder may submit a request for mercy, but no promises.
- Improper Sock Use (Clause 4.B)
The Sockholder agrees not to engage in any "non-sock-like activities" with their FITS® socks, including using them as potholders, puppets, or makeshift slingshots. Such misuse voids the guarantee and possibly incurs strange looks from neighbors. Exceptions made be made on a case by case basis, especially regarding sock puppets, because yes, sock puppets.
- Perpetuity of Sock Happiness (Clause 5.A)
This Agreement shall remain in force for all eternity, or until such time as socks are no longer required by the human race (in which case, congratulations on the feet upgrade). - Absurd Citations (Clause 5.B)
All citations above are subject to FITS® Customer Service approval in writing before reading. If you have read this Sockholder Agreement prior to said approval, all rights or claims to guarantee are rendered moot. Sorry, not sorry.
SIGNED this day, by the Sockholder (a person of impeccable taste) and the Sock Overlords (rulers of comfort).
Sockholder: [Your Name Here] Best Sock Ever: Eternal Guardians of FITS® Whole Foot Comfort.