For many families, it’s become one of the most treasured Thanksgiving Day traditions. No, not watching the Macy’s Day Parade — we’re talking about competing in a Turkey Trot!

Even if you’re not a regular runner, signing up for your local turkey trot can be a great way to kick off a special day of family, friends, good food and celebration. Not convinced? Here are five reasons to consider making it a new tradition.

For the bonding experience

Nothing brings people together more than accomplishing a goal together — and crossing that finish line is the perfect way to make memories with your loved ones. Plus, many turkey trots are open to all ages, so it can be a great option for the younger members of your crew to get some energy out.

For the endorphins

You know that sleepy feeling you get after eating a big plate of turkey and mashed potatoes? The endorphins you’ll get from running your turkey trot will provide the exact opposite feeling, giving you just the boost you need to finish cooking and get everything ready for the big meal.

For the community

While it varies depending on your location, turkey trots are generally casual, short races meant to build community or raise money for a good cause. These low-stress races can be a great way to get involved and give back to your community.

For the exercise

While we would never suggest you need to exercise to “earn” that piece of pie, there’s also nothing wrong with getting a little extra calorie burn in before eating a big meal. 

For the photos

In addition to the memories you’ll make, running a turkey trot with your loved ones on Thanksgiving can also yield some great photo ops. Picture this: your whole crew lined up with race bibs or decked out in matching shirts. You may even get the perfect shot for your Christmas card.

Of course, nothing wrecks the Thanksgiving warm-fuzzies like sore feet and blisters, so make sure your whole group has the gear they need.


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