Home Town: Greenville, SC
Currently Resides: My van, usually located in Boulder, CO or Jackson, WY
Occupation: Outdoor Photographer and Cinematographer
Passes the Times: Ski Mountaineering, Climbing, Mountain Biking, Trail Running
Sponsors: Dynafit, Adventure Medical Kits, Yeti Cycles, Justin's... and FITS!
Website: www.ThomasWoodson.com
Instagram: @ThomasWoodson
Bio: I'm a van based, world traveling photographer with an obsessive appetite for Type II adventures. In the last three years my work has taken me to Mexico, New Zealand, Canada, Peru, Bolivia and more, shooting authentic stories for brands as well as ridiculous films in the Banff Tour, 5Point Film and MountainFilm Festivals. You'll find me most stoked when the air is thin, the snow is soft or the rock is dry—and my friends haven't sandbagged me too hard.
Currently I'm dialing in the perfect migration habits, chasing the seasons between Colorado, Wyoming, Montana and Utah with a van full of gear for any challenge.